We love a new creative challenge and this project was certainly that.
To build an 8ft x 8ft wall of leaded glass as one continuous piece using lead and zinc came, to create the look we desired, we wanted no seams or joints other than the lead and zinc around each piece of glass and there would be no additional framing to hold the glass in place.
Certainly, many leaded glass windows you have seen and that we have made are much larger than 8ft x 8ft. However, those are always built in sections and installed into a framing system of one type or another. A usual leaded glass panel might be 2ft x 3ft or so. This was to be one 8ft x 8ft panel!
The piece was too large to maneuver and install in the second floor Dr’s office reception it was designed for. So, we built it in two pieces and completed the assembly on-site. The glass used in the design is Wismach Seedy and 4” Rondelles.
The “wall” would be directly behind the reception desk, separating the reception area from the hallway. The desired effect was to create privacy while still letting plenty of light pass through…and that it be the artistic touch which set this reception apart from any other. We accomplished just that as is evidenced by our clients comment upon completion…
It looks stunning and is just the “wow” we were looking for. I will enjoy this for a very long time.”